Wrapping up the Turtle and Python

Well folks, looks like we have reached the end of our work of coding with TurtleBlocks and Python. Although at times this work seemed very challenging for me, I am proud of myself for pushing through and not giving up. I know that this kind of technology is definitely emerging as we progress into more modern ages, so it only seemed fair to familiarize myself with this part of computer science. 

For my TurtleBlocks project, I learned how to spell out each letter of my name using a TurtleBlocks code. For my Python project, I created a geometric pattern that I thought looked pretty cool. Although both projects were definitely challenging for me, I would have to say that the Python project was more difficult to grasp than the TurtleBlocks. 

By doing this work, one thing I obviously learned was how to code using these programs. But in addition, I also learned true perseverance. Both TurtleBlocks and Python projects took a lot of time and effort. I learned the importance of trial and error, and sticking with something until I get it. 

I definitely agree with the idea of engaging K-12 students in these types of activities. As I mentioned earlier, we are continuing into more modern times, and I believe that technology will continue to advance. I think it would be very effective to incorporate these kinds of activities in the classrooms. It would be an essential tool for kids to possess. Not only will they learn how to code, but will also gain the other benefits of learning the importance of patience, perseverance, time management, etc.

One thing I'd like to know more about teaching with and through CT and CS would be maybe how to encourage those students who have little or no interest in these kinds of activities. I'd like to know how to make this work seem more appealing and rewarding to them. Of course, not every student will be infatuated by this world of computer science, but I believe it is important to understand and possess this skillset.
