Exploring with DataWrapper

This week, I spent some more time playing around with data. I chose to stick with the data set I used in my previous blog post. This will help give a better comparison and understanding. 

First, I began exploring with DataWrapper. To me, this felt like a place where I could expand my data from GoogleSheets. I simply copied and pasted my GoogleSheets share link into DataWrapper, and all of my data transferred seamlessly. After reviewing all of my data was correct, I chose a chart type for my data. I actually had quite some fun with this exploring all of the different chart types and how it made my data look. I will mention that at certain points, the website froze, and kept giving me a "Form Resubmission" popup. This happened a few times. I assumed this was because my data set was very large, literally 1000 movies and all of their details!

I ended up choosing a scatterplot. This is because I like how the data was spread out and represented more clearly than other chart types. I made it represent the movie rating vs release year. This was interesting to see which years had the highest rated movies. I embedded the graph into this blog. THIS felt like a big accomplishment. I remember writing in my self-tech assessment that I did not know how to embed something. After watching my professor embed his graph during last class, I was able to remember and follow his steps and successfully embed my own graph!


  1. Ayesha,
    I love this scatter plot. More importantly, I am really impressed by the ways you have been able to get past your concerns and limitations. Good for you.
    I was thinking that next steps could be color coding the points by genre, say, and seeing what you end up with.
    What do you think?


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